Joanna Rogers
Textile Artist

The Chorus

Click on the image to enlarge
Our Last Cry --- ..- .-.  .-.. .- ... -  -.-. .-. -.--
Our Last Cry --- ..- .-. .-.. .- ... - -.-. .-. -.--
Our Last Cry. Detail.
Our Last Cry. Detail.
Our Last Cry. Detail. II
Our Last Cry. Detail. II
Only Remember Me  --- -. .-.. -.-- .-. . -- . -- -.. . .-.  -- .
Only Remember Me --- -. .-.. -.-- .-. . -- . -- -.. . .-. -- .
Only Remember Me. Detail
Only Remember Me. Detail
I Am Not There  ..  .- -- -. --- -  - .... . .-. .
I Am Not There .. .- -- -. --- - - .... . .-. .
I Am Not There. Detail.
I Am Not There. Detail.
Ave Atque Vale (Hail and Farewell)  .- ...- .  .- - --.- ..- . ...- .- .-.. .
Ave Atque Vale (Hail and Farewell) .- ...- . .- - --.- ..- . ...- .- .-.. .
Ave Atque Vale (Hail and Farewell). Detail
Ave Atque Vale (Hail and Farewell). Detail
Ave Atque Vale (Hail and Farewell). Detail II
Ave Atque Vale (Hail and Farewell). Detail II
I Will Arise  .. .-- .. .-.. .-..  .- .-. .. ... .
I Will Arise .. .-- .. .-.. .-.. .- .-. .. ... .
I Will Arise. Detail I
I Will Arise. Detail I
I Will Arise. Detail II
I Will Arise. Detail II
That Last Onset. - .... .- -  .-.. .- ... -  --- -. ... . -
That Last Onset. - .... .- - .-.. .- ... - --- -. ... . -
That Last Onset. Detail I
That Last Onset. Detail I
That Last Onset. Detail II
That Last Onset. Detail II
Joanna Rogers. Oh No No No.  --- ....  -. ---  -. ---  -. ---
Joanna Rogers. Oh No No No. --- .... -. --- -. --- -. ---
Joanna Rogers. Oh No No No. Detail I
Joanna Rogers. Oh No No No. Detail I
Joanna Rogers. Oh No No No. Detail II
Joanna Rogers. Oh No No No. Detail II
Joanna Rogers. Fade Far Away.  ..-. .- -.. .  ..-. .- .-.  .- .-- .- -.--
Joanna Rogers. Fade Far Away. ..-. .- -.. . ..-. .- .-. .- .-- .- -.--
Joanna Rogers. Fade Far Away. Detail I.
Joanna Rogers. Fade Far Away. Detail I.
Joanna Rogers. Fade far Away. Detail II.
Joanna Rogers. Fade far Away. Detail II.
Joanna Rogers. Each Slow Dusk. . .- -.-. ....  ... .-.. --- .--  -.. ..- ... -.-
Joanna Rogers. Each Slow Dusk. . .- -.-. .... ... .-.. --- .-- -.. ..- ... -.-
Joanna Rogers. Each Slow Dusk. Detail I.
Joanna Rogers. Each Slow Dusk. Detail I.
Joanna Rogers. Each SLow Dusk. Detail II.
Joanna Rogers. Each SLow Dusk. Detail II.
Joanna Rogers. Save Our Souls.  ... .- ...- .  --- ..- .-.  ... --- ..- .-.. ...
Joanna Rogers. Save Our Souls. ... .- ...- . --- ..- .-. ... --- ..- .-.. ...
Joanna Rogers. Save Our Souls. Detail I.
Joanna Rogers. Save Our Souls. Detail I.
Joanna Rogers. Save Our Souls. Detail II.
Joanna Rogers. Save Our Souls. Detail II.
The Chorus
The Chorus
The Chorus
The Chorus
The Chorus
The Chorus
The Chorus. SJIMA
The Chorus. SJIMA
The Chorus. SJIMA
The Chorus. SJIMA
The Chorus at The Gallery at Hope Bay
The Chorus at The Gallery at Hope Bay
The Chorus at The Gallery at Hope Bay
The Chorus at The Gallery at Hope Bay
The Chorus at The Gallery at Hope Bay
The Chorus at The Gallery at Hope Bay
The Chorus at The Gallery at Hope Bay
The Chorus at The Gallery at Hope Bay
The Chorus at The Gallery at Hope Bay
The Chorus at The Gallery at Hope Bay
The Chorus at The Gallery at Hope Bay
The Chorus at The Gallery at Hope Bay