Joanna Rogers
Textile Artist


(posted on 25 Jul 2024)

woman in red dress with small dog and purple flowers

Sometimes the photographs we take capture unimagined secrets!



(posted on 17 May 2024)

The Chorus, morse code weavings, is on exhibit again. This time at the Gibsons Public Art Gallery as part of my solo show Hanging By A Thread. The Illusion of Permanence.

morse code weavings


morse code weavings


On until May 26 at the Gibsons Public Art Gallery. What a beautiful gallery. I'm sharing the main gallery with Ines Tancre who creates intriguing photographs.

Here are a couple of photographs taken just before the opening reception started.


(posted on 13 Apr 2024)

I've dyed some thread for my next war belt. I used chestnut, quebracho, myrobalan and marigold and saddened the colours with an iron afterbath. Now I'm waiting for this to "cure" before a final wash. One more week and then I can start work on Rachel Carson's War Belt.

hand dyed cotton thread

(posted on 21 Dec 2023)

Pender Island's sort of wearable art show - but so much more.

ZooIslander 2023 Highlights

I created a Moon costume for the Tarot runway. So much fun!

(posted on 12 Nov 2023)

Five of my pieces of armour made from found objects are part of the Archipelago exhibit at the San Juan Islands Museum of Art.


In the main gallery are Dulce Et Decorum Est featuring salal leaves, Fight or Flight covered with found feathers and Expired made from plastic expiry tags.

armour and photographs

In the back gallery, Sam Montalbetti's stunning photographs are flanked on the right by Empty Promises. The Politician's Armour. Before the Election and on the left by Broken Promises. The Politician's Armour. After the Election.

(posted on 12 Nov 2023)

My installation What Once Was: The Apocalypse Is Now is part of this year's World of Threads Festival in Oakville, Ontario.

hand dyed shifts

(posted on 27 Sep 2023)

I am showing my eight morse code weavings, The Chorus, as part of the Archipelago exhibit at the San Juan Islands Museum of Art.

Each weaving contains its own message, phrases our endangered species could be silently screaming as they go extinct.

The Chorus provides a way of processing possible futures. By translating morse code from sound to visual representation it allows us to see what we cannot hear.

morse code weavings

morse code weavings

Photo courtesy of the Salt Spring Arts Council

morse code weavings flanking a painting by John MacDonald

Photo courtesy of Salt Spring Arts Council.

This shows my weavings :Save Our Souls" and "Each Slow Dusk" flanking John MacDonald's dramatic painting in the main gallery.

On September 21 the second half of Archipelago opened at the San Juan Islands Museum of Art. This is a cultural exchange between the southern gulf islands and the San Juan islands. This rendition of Archipelago features work by 6 artists from the southern gulf islands: Temoseng Chazz Elliott, Anna Gustafson, Jane Kidd, John MacDonald, Sam Montalbetti and me.

Carving, painting, photography, sculpture, tapestry and weaving.

The art museum is a beautiful gallery and our work looks stunning there. What a wonderful collaboration.

Many thanks to the San Juan Islands Art Museum and the Salt Spring Arts Council for co-ordinating this event.

Archipelago poster at San Juan Islands Art Museum

San Juan Islands Art Museum


(posted on 27 Feb 2023)

To hear me talking to Margaret Gallagher of North by Northwest about The Chorus, my morse code weavings, follow this link:


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